Sunday 14 March 2010

Nick Griffin: Dangerous Moron...or just a Moron?

There aren’t a great deal of surprises when it comes to Nick Griffin. Yes, he’s something of a racist bigot and he does indeed seem to have the bizarre impression that our good and noble country is being invaded by rancid immigrants who want to steal all our jobs. But most of us saw that one coming. Most of us also anticipated the name to be met with a volley of boos and roars of disdain no matter where it appeared – the local newspapers, the playground, the smoking area, hell, even on Question Time. No one is really very shocked that a lot of hapless members of the working class are starting to flock towards his policies, which are idealistic at best in theory, and let’s be honest, nothing more than a total fucking disaster in practise.

No, what really intrigued me is that Mr Griffin, a man who our lovely red-top papers have us believe to be a bumbling fool with a room temperature IQ, is actually a Cambridge Graduate. I forget which subject he studied there – probably classics, most classics students turn out twisted- but I do remember that he went to Downing College. One can safely assert that for two reasons, this revelation is one that will cause a reasonable amount of surprise amongst the good natured British Publick.

The first, and perhaps most brazenly stereotypical reason, is that in general we don’t expect racially motivated tyrant wannabes to be particularly intelligent. Of course, there are a few isolated exceptions –Wagner, for example springs to mind-but otherwise, this is something of an anomaly in the British political field. We like our racist bigots stupid and ignorant. In fact, we like to imagine that only the most stupid and ignorant of all people lack an open mind, or equality values, and all that other wonderful fluffy stuff we like to hold close to our chests as civilized citizens. The British Publick do not, for example, imagine that someone as intelligent as Carol Vordermann is going to don a large white cloak and tear around London stringing up ethnic minorities. But Vordermann is also a Cambridge Graduate (or is it Oxford?) and she’s also beginning to associate herself with the Conservatives, a party whose elitism may not be racially motivated but it certainly wells up from the same murky springs. Is this a case of marginalizing the so-called ‘racist bigots’, who are now almost more unpopular than paedophiles?

The second and equally subjective reason is that despite Mr Griffin having graduated from an establishment that produces some of the most intelligent brains this side of the Atlantic, he did a remarkably poor job of defending his ideas and policies on that notorious Question Time episode, other than beating the audience’s heads around with them, like some kind 0f gigantic politik hammer. This of course would allegedly appeal to the ‘common denominator’ of QT viewers, the unemployed and disillusioned working class types who simply want results, but can’t we give these people a little more credit than that?

I’m not hugely disgusted by Griffin or his laughable polices, although he is admittedly rather easy on the eyes, because his ideas are simply that: laughable. If the poor bastard can’t shamelessly defend them on QT-although his view on Islam did come very close- then he hasn’t got a hope of hell in getting in. I’m just amazed that, due to graduating from Cambridge, his IQ must be a damn sight higher than most people expected.

I’m all for crazy, out there political ideas- Hell, we could use some to lighten up the debates- but if the perihelion to madness in our times is going to be old Nick spewing out his racial venom on TV then I must say I’m a little disappointed. I don’t care if a guy is advocating world peace or world domination – I just wish the ones in the latter pool could articulate themselves a little better.

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